To work with The Harris Center, vendors must register and go through a standardized process designed to provide equal access to all vendors and suppliers. Vendor registration is quick and allows you to be included for future opportunities.
Vendor Registration
Register to become a vendor today. Vendors must be registered with the Texas Secretary of State to transact business in Texas, and must be current on all state and local fees and taxes, including but not limited to franchise account status with the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.
For more information review the following:
Our Mission
The Harris Center Purchasing department is committed to:
- Understand and respond to our internal and external customers' program and /or department requirements.
- Seek, establish and maintain vendor relationships that meet our requirements, while providing the best value at the lowest total cost.
- Improve processes to facilitate ease of procurement, drive innovation and reduce transactional costs through continuous streamlining of the procurement processes.
- Take a lead role on all strategic procurement initiatives.
- Remain open, competitive and fair in our business practices.
- Conduct all business in accordance with agency policies and procedures, and in compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements.
Become a Supplier
The supplier database is updated periodically to identify new suppliers in the marketplace. The Purchasing department periodically seeks proposals and bids for goods and non-consumer services via a procurement method appropriate for a specific commodity/service request (ex: Request for Proposal (RFP), Request for Bid (RFB) or Request for Qualification (RFQ)). View Current Procurement Solicitations.
Become a Provider
Contracts for community-based services are generally acquired through a Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for Application (RFA) open enrollment process. Qualified providers are encouraged to submit an application in one or more open enrollment opportunities for which they are qualified. Contact ContractsDepartment@TheHarrisCenter.org for more information.
Code of Ethics
All Harris Center employees must adhere to the highest standards of honor and integrity with regard to all business and personal relationships in order that they may inspire the confidence of those served.
Credibility and public confidence are vital throughout the purchasing/procurement process. Purchasing employees must realize the importance and dignity of the service rendered by government and be aware of their own responsibilities as public servants. Every person employed by a public purchasing agency shall abide by a code of ethics. In accordance with the State law and agency purchasing requirements. Agency purchasing personnel, and other employees involved in the purchasing process, shall adhere to the following ethical standards.
These employees may not:
- Solicit or accept money, credit, gifts, excessive entertainment, or other special considerations from an individual or business organization doing business with the agency;
- Participate in work on a contract by taking action as an employee through decision, approval, disapproval, recommendation, giving advice, investigation or similar action knowing that the employee, or member of their immediate family, has an actual or potential financial interest in the contract, including prospective employment;
- Accept employment from a potential vendor or vendor while working for the agency; or knowingly disclose confidential information for personal gain.
Employees shall avoid any activities that would compromise or give the perception of compromising the best interests of The Harris Center. Employees will not use confidential proprietary information for actual or anticipated personal gain.
Potential Conflicts of Interest
Any employee, contract employee or appointed member who participates in the recommendation, requisitioning, informal/formal solicitation, evaluation, or otherwise takes part in the purchasing decision-making process and who has a whole or partial ownership in, or derives some income or personal benefit from the recommended or selected vendor should disclose the relationship as a potential conflict of interest. Acts of reciprocity or exchange of favors from which an employee derives some income or personal benefit shall be considered conflicts of interest.
In the event an outside consultant or contractor submits a response or proposal on a project, of which the consultant or contractor was a previous contributor, other than an open forum, then the responses or proposals from that consultant or contractor shall be disqualified on the basis of conflict of interest.
Evaluation committee members may be required to sign a conflict of interest statement/code of ethics document concerning the conduct of a solicitation process prior to review and evaluation of documents.